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Click on a picture for a larger display or Slideshow button (right) for automatic display. February 2023. The largest city in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City, or Saigon as it is still commonly known, is a busy, vibrant and varied destination. With both old French Colonial architecture, and new high-rise buildings, traditional and modern streets, and thousands of scooters everywhere, this is an interesting and varied destination.

Guitar Park

Guitar Park

Central Saigon

Central Saigon

Street Food Vendor by Road

Street Food Vendor by Road

Central Post Office

Central Post Office

Central Post Office Statue -1

Central Post Office Statue -1

Central Post Office Statue -2

Central Post Office Statue -2

Central Post Office Interior

Central Post Office Interior



Ho Chi Minh Statue & Town Hall -1

Ho Chi Minh Statue & Town Hall -1

Ho Chi Minh Statue & Town Hall -2

Ho Chi Minh Statue & Town Hall -2

Nguyen Hue Lotus Fountain -1

Nguyen Hue Lotus Fountain -1

Flying Kites -1

Flying Kites -1

Flying Kites -2

Flying Kites -2

Flying Kites -3

Flying Kites -3

Pop-up Cafe

Pop-up Cafe

Flying Kites at Sunset

Flying Kites at Sunset

Family with Scooter -1

Family with Scooter -1

Family with Scooter -2

Family with Scooter -2

Street Full of Motorcycles -1

Street Full of Motorcycles -1

Street Full of Motorcycles -2

Street Full of Motorcycles -2

Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory Detail:Vietnam
Keywords:Chi, City, Hi, Minh, Saigon, Vietnam