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Click on a picture for a larger display or the Slideshow button (right) for automatic display. November 2023. Patagonia is full of wildlife with many bird species and unique plants in good numbers. These are just a few images of some of them.

Andean Condor -1

Andean Condor -1

Andean Condor -2

Andean Condor -2

Andean Condor -3

Andean Condor -3

Andean Siskin -1

Andean Siskin -1

Ashey-headed Geese -2

Ashey-headed Geese -2

Ashy-headed Goose -1

Ashy-headed Goose -1

Austral negrito ♀ -1

Austral negrito ♀  -1

Austral negrito ♂ -2

Austral negrito ♂  -2

Austral Thrush -1

Austral Thrush -1

Austral Thrush -2

Austral Thrush -2

Black-chested Buzzard Eagle -1

Black-chested Buzzard Eagle -1

Black-chested Buzzard Eagle -2

Black-chested Buzzard Eagle -2

Black-chested Buzzard Eagle -3

Black-chested Buzzard Eagle -3

Black-chinned Siskin ♀ -2

Black-chinned Siskin ♀ -2

Black-chinned Siskin ♂ -1

Black-chinned Siskin ♂ -1

Black-faced Ibis -1

Black-faced Ibis -1

Black-faced Ibis -2

Black-faced Ibis -2

Black-faced Ibis -3

Black-faced Ibis -3

Black-faced Ibis -4

Black-faced Ibis -4

Black-faced Ibis -5

Black-faced Ibis -5

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